Jan Deyl Conservatory of music

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The Youth Homes

Two youth homes are available for non-Prague students and international students.

The first one is located directly at the school campus on Maltézské náměstí.

School campus at Maltézské náměstí 14 in Street View


The second youth home is in Karlín, Za Poříčskou bránou 19, within easy driving distance of the school.

Youth home at street Za Poříčskou branou 15 in Street view


The Youth Home is a school accommodation facility that provides accommodation, educational activities and meals to students of the Jan Deyl Conservatory and Secondary School. In the case of vacancy, students of other conservatories and secondary schools can also be accommodated here.


Accommodation in the school premises on Maltézské náměstí is reserved for underage students, while the home in Karlín accommodates students of full age. The home is open from Sunday 3 pm to Friday 4 pm. Staying at weekends is possible within the framework of additional school activities in the building in Karlín. The home is closed during the Easter, Christmas, spring and main summer holidays.

The rooms are double or triple bunks. There are shared sanitary facilities on each floor in the building on Maltézské náměstí, and double apartments with private bathrooms are available in the building in Karlín. Each floor is equipped with a shared kitchen with a fridge, microwave and kettle.

The organisation of leisure time and supervision of students is provided by tutors, many of whom are professionally qualified to work with students with special needs, especially visual impairment. Like the whole school, there is a friendly and family atmosphere in the youth home.



Allocation of students in the youth home

The conditions for the placement of students in the youth home are laid down in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of Decree No 108/2005 Coll., on educational and accommodation facilities and special-purpose school facilities, as amended. Placement is decided on the basis of an application submitted by the legal representative of a minor pupil or an adult pupil. The application form can be filled in electronically, but the application must be printed and sent by post. Applications for the following school year should be sent no later than 31 May to the Jan Deyla Conservatory and Secondary School, Maltézské náměstí 14, 118 44 Prague 1 - Malá Strana, in the hands of the head teacher Iveta Sedláčková. The decision on admission to the youth home will be given to the pupil in writing by 30.6. 


Detailed information on boarding youth home and payments for the school year 2022/23


According to the decision of the school principal from 24.6.2022, students with the assigned personal number 101 - 148 are accepted to reside in the youth home for the school year 2022/23.

Students with assigned personal numbers 149 - 156 are not admitted to the youth home.



Price of accommodation

In accordance with the Decree No. 108/2005 Coll., on school educational and accommodation facilities and special-purpose school facilities, as amended, the amount of CZK 1,600 per month is set for accommodation in the school's youth home. The amount of payment for accommodation in a youth home does not change even if the pupil is not accommodated for all days in a calendar month.

Payments are transferred monthly by wire transfer to the school's account with the CNB Prague.


Account number: 12234031/0710.

The matching code is the individual personal number assigned to a student and emailed with the entry forms.


The payment must be made by the 25th day of the previous month.

Proof of payment must be presented when entering the youth home at the beginning of the school year.

The fee for weekend accommodation in the Youth Home Za Poříčskou bránou 15 is 150 CZK per weekend.



Downloadable content (in Czech)

Youth home application forms (.pdf form to fill in)

Information on accommodation payments for the school year 2022-2023 (.doc)

Youth Home Internal Regulations  (.pdf)



Photos from youth home at Karlín

Accommodation at Karlín - a cosy room for two under the attic


Accommodation at Karlín - room equipment



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